Thursday, May 29, 2008

When did young black folks start doing drugs beyond weed?

A few years back, I met up wth an associate of mine at this bar that he was DJing at and after it ended he invited me to a house gathering. I figured it may have a nice crowd since the guy throwing it was a 30 year old black professional who owned a newly built home in Northern, Va. So, I felt secure with knowing that..WRONG! So, I walk in the door and all I smell is WEED! Ugh, I hate weed smell. Keeping in mind, I've HONESTLY never tried weed and/or cigarettes. Plus the crowd was mad young for it to be at a darn 30 year olds home! So, I said to myself, self, just stay for 30 minutes then leave. I didn't want to look like an uppidy kneegrow lol. So, as I stepped over the weedheads in the stairwell and tried to ger over the horrible stench of his unkept pets lingering in the house I see some YOUNG girls acting crazy. The 27 year old guy that was standing next to me states "Oh, that is just my girlfriend and her friends. Don't mind them they are on dippers." I respond "How old is she?" He says proudly "17." Disgusted at this I say, "What the hell is a dipper?" He laughs and says "Weed laced with embalming fluid." WTHHHH

Let me tell you, I grabbed my keyes so fast and got the hell up outta there. As I walked out I see some early 20 something black folks doing lines of cocaine. When I was growing up in my hood, young black people didn't do anything beyond REGULAR weed. It was so not cool to do anything else or you would have been labeled a CRACK HEAD and/or GEEKER!! Young black folks doing for real for real drugs is news to me or maybe I was just out of the loop! I hope the youth of today are not embarking on all this craziness out here. Taking pills, lacing stuff , and snorting anything is so NOT cool to me and quite crack-headish!

P.S. I'm still amazed that the little black chick on the current season of the Real World is a former meth-addict. WHAT black girl does Meth? I aint never heard of meth until I saw it on tv in Nebraska or somewhere. In the Roc they do weed and geekers do crack and heroin...well, black folks in the Roc.

So, I ask my readers (I'm so bootleg) if I'm just GLADLY out of the loop or is this quite common?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My First Blog

Hey Young World!

So, I decided to start a blog. Why? No clue, just bored at work so decided to do so. Apparently, I've had an account since 2005 that I never even used. Hmmmm, what compelling topic do I have to talk about today. (I'm scratching my head now.)

Well, since this is the first one I guess I'll keep it simple. So, my girls and I are having a "Sex in the City" night on Friday. We're going to dinner then this nice spot called "Posh" afterwards. I have to get me an outfit for it. We've decided to all dress up like they do on the show. I know, we're strange. We had an evite for it and everything lol.

I took the "Sex and the City" quiz and it said that I'm Miranda. Figures I'm the homely boring one! lol.

Okay, I'm tired of writing. The setting up of profile tired me out for today. Ta ta for now.