Friday, July 24, 2009

Should I be offended?

So, over the last couple months a series of things have happened that made me really take a step back, scratch my head, and say, WTH? Should I be offended?

1. So, I'm in target shopping on a Saturday with my daughter. I'd just come from the Dominican shop so my hair was stylish and I had on a basic sundress with decorative flip flops. My daughter is of course flawless with a fresh curly do and a nice summer fit! After I finished my shopping I start to place my items on the belt. As the cashier, Vikas, begins to ring me up he says "We don't accept food stamps here." Huh? Should I be offended? I mean, there is nothing wrong with food stamps before anyone gets all "offended," however, what about me made Vikas say something like that. Additionally, that is so friggin inappropriate. So, I kindly respond and let him know that I had no intentions on using foodstamps and that my tender will be cash. Vikas then commences to ask me what I do and where I work. Ugh, am I wrong if I say "NOT AT DAYUM TARGET!" Lastly, Vikas goes on to say "Most Hispanics use food stamps so that is why I asked you that." WTH? Should I have reported him to management because again, that is SOO inappropriate. Also, I am not Hispanic.

2. I'm in BeBe, I LOVE that store, trying on a nice dress. I ask the salesperson for a size 9. She responds "Let me check because our inventory is limited for the big sizes." WTH? Should I be offended? I mean, everyone isn't America's Next Top Model and when did a 9 become a "big size." Should I have given her a smart comment or called her attention to the muffin top hanging over her size 4 jeans! Skinny "fat" isn't cute either hon!

3. I went to MAC Cosmetics for a lip glass and let the salesperson talk me into getting a makeover for free. Now, anyone who knows me would know that I don't do make up like that. However, I let her do it to let time pass during lunch. I make it back for a meeting with my manager who looks at me and laughs. After he finished laughing he says "Kasondra, you sure have on enough make up!" LMAO. Should I be offended or was he just telling me to stick to my tried and true chap stick with face lotion for work! ha!

4. Last but not least, about 5 minutes before the scheduled meeting time, I walk into a meeting at work with an invitee list with nobody that looks like "me" only to find that there are NO SEATS! I had on a dress so I decide to stand. The meeting starts and about 10 minutes into the meeting another lady walks into the room in a pants suit. Before the lady could make it into the room all the way TWO, not one but TWO men jump up and offer their seat. She takes one of the offers and the other guy sits back in his seat and the meeting goes on. Hmm, should I be offended? LMAO. Number 1, I'm a woman and I was ON TIME and none of you men chose to show me that chivalry was alive and give up your seat for me but she walks in and gets royal treatment! Number 2, dude number 2, I mean really, you just sat back in your seat when she didn't take to your good gesture vs. making good with your chivalrous act and giving ME the chair that she turned down. I mean really, I think I should be totally be offended on this one!

So, has anything ever happened to you that had you really shaking your head wondering if you should cuss them out, shank them, or pull the big jar of Vaseline out your purse for some mortal combat action? If so, please share!

Enjoy your weekend people!


Unknown said...

LOL at shanking them!(I totally understand)

I have a turquoise necklace from Turkey that my aunt(who is Turkish) sent me. I was working and woman(white) commented that she like it. I said, Thank you, my aunt sent it to me." The man(white) who was standing next to her said, "Wow, That's a nice gift. Maybe you can go in the back and do a rain dance." (Background... it hasn't rained here in quite sometime) I was so in shock that that I frooze. Once I came out of my shock he had walked out the door. The lady(white) said, "I can't believe he just said that. What an A-Hole!" You know I wanted to shank him. TWICE!!! BASTARD!!!

Anonymous said...

I think 1 and 4 you should be offended but 2, and 3, not quite. I think its good your manager can laugh at you for wearing too much make up, which isn't a good thing by the way. Also, if you left with no make up and came back with it on then you should expect some attention.

On number 2, I suspect all women want some shape, so those without it try to make it seem as if having a shape equates to being overweight. I would just chalk that one up to envy and not let it get to you.

I thought #1 was extremely funny though. But I'm trying to figure with a name like the checker, he couldn't have been from the US. You have to admit that the fact that he called you a Hispanic single mother on food stamps is kind of funny though.

Kalisia said...

Should you be offended? Very much so. I was completey outdone once I read the last situation. I would have reported the other store employees because that was completely inappropriate and just plain rude and for the last one chivalry may be dead but racism isn't. I can't imagine how you felt when that happened. That's why it's important that you know who you are as a person.

Durham Saves Water said...
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Susan D. said...

You are so crazy!!! I think I would have really been mad at those situations. LOL

Bev said...

You should be offended. LOL - those are crazy stories

T said...

Ok, I just read the first one and its funny. Not at the moment funny but later on funny

Collene said...

Kasondra I am ROFLMAO!!! You missed your calling doing writing for Chris Rock or SNL or having your own show. Your satire is simply brilliant. I am now a faithful fan. Keep it up. I am soooo cracking up!!!"

Corey said...

I think you should be applauded....For not shanking the hell outta those jiggas!

Girl I was mad as hell reading todays blog! The nerve of people. I was offended FOR you! But you are a good sister because acting out would have proven their thought process right even though we know otherwise!

Clarissa said...

So when Col says something is funny I tend to believe her since she's the funniest person I know. But she's also one of the nicest people I know, so she's not above bulls**ting. but girl, she's right on with this, your blog is GREAT!! i once went shopping with a friend and she pointed out a hideous floral cotton dress and said 'this looks like you'....should I be offended?! lol

SBJ said...

You are too funny!!! You should be offended most def on 1 & 4.
1)Some people make some hellassumptions. I'm nothing about you said food stamps with the exception of the color of your skin. I would have politely asked to speak with his supervisor. Somebody needs to warn him before he spews that stupidity on a not so classy lady.
4)That one is more of a WTF? A room full racist. I mean come on you can't get anymore blatant than that. I might have had to walk over to the one that sat back down and say "I'll take the seat, if you don't mind, thank you." See if he's bold enough to make his feelings even more blatant.

Unknown said...

Geez... #3 with the manager isn't so bad. But the rest I would be pissed.

You should've said everything you thought out loud LOL it would've set them straight.

Anonymous said...

Wow Kasondra....I am taken aback by all of those experiences. Why were you so gentle with the boy from Target? The only thing that I can recall about me is how store clerks ask to see my I.D.
when I use my debit or VISA card. but the person in front of me, who happened to be white, wasn't asked for I.D. when they used theirs.

K-Swiss said...

LOL@anonymous, well, I've been told by many people that I'm to0 nice :-)

Its just not in my nature to cause a scene. I can only go off on family and friends LMAO!

Nafis said...

You are too funny but this is sad. People have a funny way of trying to disguise their ignorance. I have had several conversations with some of the "others" about how this is still a big issue everywhere. Im in Pittsburgh so you know I come across this way toooooo much!

Now, should i be offended if my company has a Christmas party and they play Soulja Boy (superman that ...), mind you i am the only black person in the company, and when the song comes on they all look at me like they want to see if im going to do that dance??? WTH For one, i don't even know how to do it and two, you wouldn't catch me doing it (in public). lol
I am a grown A.. man.

renee said...

WHAT????? I'm just now reading this! WTH!!!! Heck yeah you should be ALL of these! Especially the 1st and last situations...