Hey People,
I know, I know, I've been off the scene for a bit but I'm baaaaacccckkk!
So, I was reading an email from one of my Sorors about words you hate to hear people mess up! I thought it would be interesting to list mine and ask for my readers (that still cracks me up) to add on to it!
1. Conversate - That is NOT a word people. You were conversING with someone, not conversating with them. I've had straight up arguements with people insisting that conversate is correct.
2. Murland - Umm, no boo, Maryland is not pronounced Murlin or Murland.
3. Fajita - True Story - Back in the day when we were 25 or so my friend, we will keep her nameless, went out on a date with a 30 year old man. So, they are at Applebees and my friend tells the waitress, "Yes I'd like the chicken finger basket please." The 30 year old guy looks at the waitress with his cornrows in tact and says "Yea, ummm, can I get the chicken Fajeeta?" WTH? How are you 30 and you don't know how to pronounce Fajita. No, how are you 30 and you don't know the word "fajita" on sight?
4. "Why Come......" - Okay, when I was persuing AKA there was a member of AKA that used to say to us "Why Come yall didn't do A, B, or C?" Okay, my linesisters and I would later say to one another "Why come you keep saying why come?" LMAO. What the heck kind of saying is "Why come?"
5. Irregardless - Okay, lets break this down. Regardless means "in spite of" or "without regard for"...now I ask why is "irr" needed when regardless already proved your point? So again I hate to be the bearer of bad news, "irregardless" is also NOT a word! "Irr" and "less" combined are not needed.
6. Bonus: "Brekfix" - My cousin is notorious for saying "You want to go out for Brekfix?" Okay, I love me some belgium waffles and eggs but ummm, what the hell is Brekfix? I always respond, I don't want to go to Brekfix but BREAKFAST sounds real good lol.
So, readers, any words that you cringe when you hear someone mess them up!
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* Merlot. A guy from Baltimore pronounces it to this day MARLOWE. Like the character's name on the WIRE. It would burn me up and I NEVER said anything.
* the letter R. Our receptionist pronounces it ARRAAHHH. stop it people.
You need to Blog more than 8 times a year. I like when we "conversate" online, "irregardless" of whether or not we had "brekfix" this morning. Besides, I live in Virgina not "Merlin/Murland" anyway and "why come" your girl was messing with a 30 year old with cornrows any darn way? Forget "fajeeta's," 30 plus with the c-rows should have been the first and last clue that she was in the midst of wackness!
*Drawer pronounced
How do you get Drah from Drawer?? Just country
* Toilet pronounced toi-lit, not Tahhlit....yes I've heard it.
WOW!!!!!!!!! The sad thing is I have heard so called educated people say irregardless and they get mad when I correct them. Conversate is used so much (like marijuana) they should just legalize it...haha). Just kidding. It is truly funny though.
Okay Okay you asked so I have to lay it out folks: 1. Light-skinneded ...this word is so jacked up I don't even know how to spell it, but yes in 2009 people are still telling me I'm light-skinneded!! 2. I went to Best Buy looking for a computer and couldn't decide if I wanted to get a PC or lap top. I asked the sales associate and he so graciously showed me all the "lab tops" they had to offer. Ummm what is a "lab top" ? 3. Went on a date with a so called "educated" brother who commented on the "ambiantz" in the restaurant??? Did he mean ambiance by chance? -lol We've all been victim to using/saying a dumb phrase here or there but once corrected it shouldn't happen again. Here is a classic rule of thumb...if you can't spell the word DON'T USE THE WORD!
Big Ang - I HATE when people say "light skinneded." I mean, I said it when I was 8 but then my parents corrected me and I stopped. In my 8 year old voice, "He's so cute, he's ligh skinnded with a long curl" lmao
My brother is NOTORIOUS for saying "Hurted." Instead of saying, dang, that hurt. He says, dang, that hurted. Ugh, I cringe when he says it!
You stupid for this one!!!
Here is my list of words I hate that people say,
1) FINNA (What does that mean again?)
2) Electwicity (HUH!)
3) Don't make me WRENCH around (I could of swore it was reach around)
4)Warsh (Did you mean WASH?)
5) Ambalance (Ambulance PEOPLE)
6) Battry (BATTERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
7) Samich (Let's pronounce this together.... SAND....WICH.... SANDWICH)
Please feel free to add to my list
Shelt - You stupid! Not you're stupid, but YOU stupid lol.
I HATE when people say warsh instead of wash! That sounds so darn country.
This was too funny! How about when people say Tuesdee or Wednesdee... instead of TuesDAY, WednesDAY?
HAHAHAH I am cracking up, because I hate all of those words too, but now that I live in Dallas, its 10 times as bad. On top of all of that I can't even understand what some of these people are saying period. So my soap box about words has turned into a big soap box about speaking English period!!!!! Can you just speak understandable English. The phrase I hate most--when guys say "know what I'm sayin" 20 times in a conversation. I dont know what your saying!!!
"Is you?" I hate hearing it, I want to slap the person every time it is used.
I didn't listen to TI song just because of it. "Is you happy..." LOL.
Kasondra remember I'm going to get my hair did... :) LOL
Love it!! I thought I was the only one that got irritated with Conversate. LOL! Hilarious.
Lol, don't get me on TI. I mean I like him but he can't talk for nothing!
Here is my I hate TI's speech list:
1. "Who I'm is"- the rubberband man song. Do you mean who am I?
2. "Wile as the taliban"- Rubberband man song again. Did you mean "wild" TI?
3. I see POElices- do you mean polices TI?
That is just from one darn song!
This is a funny blog! Kasondra you are slippin' girl. How could you forget our favorite... Libary, instead of library. I know I probably just stepped on a few toes. And don't forget curried instead of carried(A MD exclusive). I used to be guilty or conversate, but when someone finally corrected me, I stopped saying it. But the best phrase I can think of is... "For all intents and purposes" I have heard this poor phrase demolished in so many different ways I don't even know where to start. People it is not sense and purposes, or extents and purposes, or intense and purposes. OMG!
My all time favorite is the misuse of "I", when someone says Jill and I or Jack and I, instead of me and Jill or Me and Jack. Here is the rule concerning said usage.
If you form a sentence with Jill and I or Jack and I, and you remove the other person from the sentence, your statement should still make sense without the other person's name.
Jill and I went to the mall.
I went to the mall.
!Good usage!
You should be like Jack and I.
You should be like I.
!NOT a good usage! The correct way is.. You should be like me and Jack.
My favorite misuse is when people post photos online... examples
Jill and I in the Poconos.
I in the Poconos. WRONG.
The corrent way is... Me and Jill in the Poconos.
My boyfrind and I... WRONG
The correct way is Me and my boyfriend.
I know saying "I" makes people feel like they sound intelligent, but sometimes it's just wrong. I think I may have stepped on a few more toes.
WHEW I feel better, now that I got that off my chest. Thanks girl! lol
My cousin Angel emailed me to add Specific to the list. "Pacific" is an ocean!
Girl you forgot. I'm Rob Base and I'm here to get down. I'm not international known. But I'm known to rock the microphone. I get stupid al little outrageous....it takes two to make a thing go right...lol
What about "Tender Roni" by Bobby Brown. I like the Tender Roni and the Roni is so right I think I'm going to love her for the rest of her life.
Oh and on the real freak tip. I can't remember who use to sing it..."but lick you up and down til you say stop. What about "Freak me baby..ooohhh just like that freak me baby. Oh and "Hey Mr. DJ I want to slow this party down." I think these are some of Silk and Mint Condition songs.
Girl I can go on forever with ol' school. They just don't make music the way they use to. These young kids don't know a thing about real jams....ha ha ha
I'm out!!!
okay, i'm late but i have to get in here. i used to be a server at bennigan's and people would ask for "fajytas" without "jahlapenos" (pronounced as j, not h) and of course, while we're butchering the spanish language you have to include "kwasadillas!" umm, if you can't pronounce it, baby it's not for you!
and please, let's not forget about- "i'm about to learn you something real quick." learn and teach are NOT interchangeable!!
I hate when people pronounce gyro as jiyros when it should be yeros.
I was CLEARLY typing to fast on my TI's SPEECH list.
I meant to say "Do you mean Police?"
I clearly know that Police is used for both a single police officer and several police officers.
LOL, I re-read my post as was COMPELLED to correct it!
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