Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jazmine Sullivan's Bust The Windows Song

Okay, so my homeboy's blog inspired this one. He wrote a post titled "Jasmine Sullivan may get you dead!" My title for this post should be "Men, stop tripping unless you plan to change your game up and make respectable songs about women!!"

Now, I've been noticing over the last month or so that EVERYTIME they play this song on the radio the male DJ will make a comment afterwards saying how wrong Jazmine is for this song. Everytime the video comes on my man literally turns the channel. I'm serious, I've never seen the video because he always turns it off as he mumbles "thats some bullish."

So, my question is how in the heck can there be 5 billion negative songs about women but men take issue when ONE woman makes a song about busting his darn windows out. I don't get it.

There are literally videos with women getting champagne sprayed on them in the club (biggie). Videos depicting women drunk sleep with skirts on and legs wide open (John Legend/Andre 3000). However, men have an issue with getting their windows busted AFTER the women catches him in bed with someone else. Am I the only one confused at the male anger towards this video. Can guys dish it out but can't take it?

I personally, have never busted any windows out. However, I'm standing up right now for all the ladies who have busted those windows out and been bad enough to write their initials with the crowbar!! For the Angela Bassetts that took all of his belongings and burned them up in his luxury vehicle :-) To the Lisa Lopez wannabes that burned that house down after he punched her.

My True Hollywood Crazy Story:

This guy, we will call him Andre, I dated for about 5 minutes in my early 20s. I eventually find out about an on/off girlfriend, we will call her Agatha. Not even knowing what Agatha looks like, I run into Agatha one day in a very crowded PROFESSIONAL place. She walks up on me and starts screaming and threatening me. I walk away as if she's not speaking to me because as Jigga says, "Wise men never argue with fools, because people from a distance can't tell who is who!"

So, I tell Andre's sister and she responds "Agatha is CRAZY, if you see her RUN on sight!" WTH? Come to find out, Andre was messing with some chick before me. Agatha followed Andre one day, hid behind bushes for hours, the girl comes out her home, and Agatha jumps out the bushes in all Black like dayum catwoman and beats the girl in the head with a hammer. Andre came out, Agatha then jumps in her car pushes the pedal to the metal and hits Andre. He flies up into the air and lands on the concrete street. WTH? As of Spring 2000, Agatha was awaiting trial......Hmm, I bet he would have preferred she bust the windows out his car lmao.

Women/Men - Feel free to post comments about any "crazy" situations you know of.....


Community Won said...

YOU STUPID!!!!! So he just go flying in the air like a test dummy after being blasted by a car and then gets up. lol Why she gotta be catwoman, why she can't be trinity from the matrix. lol You lucky you were in a professional place cuz I might have been visiting you at Highland. lol And for the song, I never heard it but why bust his windows out. Why not just find another dude and flaunt it in his face. Trust me it hurts a lot more than getting your windows busted out. Windows can be fix but a heart is broken for years!


Anonymous said...

Okay. You know I already have something to say. There are a lot of positive songs about our relationships with women. Its not our fault if you women decide to listen and hold on to the negative ones that you hear or have heard. And with that said, That Jazmine song is straight crazy. She is crazy on that song but oddly enough that is my wife's favorite song on the album. lol.

Anonymous said...

don't hate the music, hate the game

Anonymous said...

Finally I can comment!! First let me say... "The names in this blog have been changed to protect the individual's indentities"-LOL
I have never heard the song, but I remember men being mad about Blu Cantrell's(spl?) song "Hit em up".
I think most men are touchy when it comes to there assests. You can threaten to punch, slap, cut or shoot them and they probably wouldn't take you too seriously. However, if you threaten to key their car, bust their windows, paint insults on their walls and doors, slash their tires, burn their clothes, soak their clothes in bleach, throw their cellphone/pda/blackberry in the toilet, glue their dress shirts into all their suits, or any other act of revenge; they know that is seriously within a woman's range of capability.
Overall men, the moral of the story is... "If you are gonna be a bad cheater, you better have good insurance."
FYI - The acts of revenge listed above have been performed by some of my "crazy" friends. - lol

Anonymous said...

I can truly relate to Jazmine. Most Woman just will not admit it. Men if you don't want your windows busted out, act right. If you don't want your tires slashed, act right. If you don't want your employer to think you are a switch hitter, act right. If you don't want your clothes burned or bleached, act right. It's just that simple.

Anonymous said...

Why hate on Jazmine, I guess they prefer a song by Lorrain Labobit, "I cut the peter weter off" Heyyyy

Anonymous said...

Okay Okay, I have one. So, this 30 something divorcee was dating this young early 20 something long distance. Well, the 30 something guy decides after a few weekend visits he decided he's used her and done. So, the early 20 something breaks into his hotmail account and sends a hate letter about him to every person in his address book. This address book included his current employer at a prominent university. He was hauled into the vice president's office about it. He had to change his email account and contact all his friends that she continually harrassed. Morale of this story, don't use people for a rebound and 30 somethings, why the hell are you dealing with a 21 year old?

Anonymous said...

you mean why would a 21 year old lady want a divorce used up man in 30's he must have been paying, she should have harrassed his tail, 4 trying to play her, well thats just my opinion

Anonymous said...

I got 99 problems and a b*tch aint one!!! I never had my windows bust out or been hit by a crazy ex....but if i did i would prolly be on parole or probation at this point! this goes deeper than Jazmins sullivan...ok! The first thing women have to understand is that ALL MEN CHEAT!! Niggaz aint sh*t.....FOREAL!!!So if you got a good one.....dont trip! The sooner ya'll accept it, the sooner niggaz can stop gettn they windows bust! The first thing niggaz gotta understand is KEEP IT REAL!! Dont have a chic thinking she wifey, when she 1 of 3 or 4....No one ever said that pimpin was easy people! Im sure i'll get a couple hater statements but its all good. I call em like i see em!!

Anonymous said...

And furthermore it appears you ladies are speaking from a lot of experience. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"!

Anonymous said...

at least jazmine is taking it out on the guy instead of stalking the girl and acting like a fool. her blame is in the right place. if you're gonna be pissed, set the dude's stuff on fire and be done with it. don't come at the other girl with your arms swinging while you scheme any way to get your man back. and i don't need to mention the methods women use to trap men, do i?

K-Swiss said...

How can I man get trapped? I hate to hear women say that. No man can get trapped because if he doesn't want to be bothered all he has to do is simply not communicate with the girl.

I hear men claim that women trapped them by getting pregnant- Umm, a chick can't get pregnant by you unless you had unprotected sex with her. So, she didn't trap you. You got her pregnant. That is still the dumbest thing I've heard, unless the girl sabotaged the condom or something. If that is the case, chick is crazy.

I hear men claim that a woman trapped him into marriage by threatening to leave. Umm, if you didn't want to marry her you simply DO NOT say I do.

I just don't understand that whole concept of a women "trapping you." When I hear a man say that my BULLISH ALERT sounds off. You want or wanted to be with that woman and that is why you're there despite what you're feeding me. Don't beat me in the head with excuses. Pulease

When I'm done with someone, I'm done. We don't need to see each other. We don't need to have any physical interaction. Hell, we don't even need to talk.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!! Men just have to whine and cry about something! They whine when they have a sniffle, they cry when they watch LaBamba, and they cry when you leave but they don't want to do the things or behave in a manner that would not prompt us women to do so.
Guys should be grateful that all she is doing is busting the windows, my husband should be so lucky, i'll be busting something alright but it won't be windows!!
More like testicles or the prostate, don't ask me how but I'm sure if I ever had to I would reference my Jackson Mentality and do something creative and tortuous. I would probably steal a balloon catheter from work and insert it into the prostate gland and inflate it with a rubbing alcohol and hotsauce mixture slowly inflate it until the balloon bursts and then watch him burn!! LMAO...whew that would be great and after that im busting the banks, iras, pensions,stocks, retirments, and then the life insurance! Iknow, I'm going to call someone and get help tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Not really!

K-Swiss said...

LMAO@ at my man's crazy family!!! Chelsea - HILARIOUS!

This brings me back to this 12 year old girl in a youth program I used to run. She told me if her man hit her or cheated she'd throw hot baby oil on him. Who says that at 12?

Anonymous said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!! QUIT PLAYN ! ! Agatha is a G ! ! A crazy ass capitol G ! ! LMAO ! !

Now I cant say that I know of any foolery that could top that. I do however feel you on the old male double standard. The answer is NO ! Jiggas cant take it ! We are supposed to simply submit to there mess and take it with no rebuttal.

I have never smashed a window, slashed a tire or keyed a car either. Oooo and I think Im way too cute to be smooshed up in some bushes lol but I know perfectly smart, beautiful successful women who have. (now Im speaking outside of your trifa-leenas who act a fool on the regular) I think when you put your all into someone and they are not honest it brings out a kinda rage that is out of character for people and they do things they wouldn't normally do. There is so much to loose these days. A persons dishonesty could "get you dead" now a days (HIV). We rely on the other person being dependable and trustworthy. When they are not they are putting themselves and you at risk. Now thats enough to make you wanna make a speed bump outta somebody !!!

Anonymous said...

"No man can get trapped"? Take it from one who did. Its possible. If a female says she's on the pill and she ain't, its a setup. I got a beautiful daughter out of the deal so its all good but this mess happens to dudes every day.

K-Swiss said...

LOL@ anonymous. Well, of course if a woman claims to be on birth control and is not that is definitely a trap. What grown person does that though? Well, I guess some may but it seems like only a young girl would do such a thing.

I know for me, having a baby is HUGE. I wouldn't do it with someone that didn't want to have a child with me. Additionally, I wouldn't do it with anyone that isn't pretty darn sure I am who they want to be with in the future ie marriage. But I'm also 30+. I can see a 19 year old doing the trap that anonymous spoke of.

But Men trap women the same way though. Say they're gonna pull out and don't lol. So, it happens to woman 2 now!

Anonymous said...

NOONE is trapped when the sex act is consentual!
People always want to be a victim!
I can't take it!
YOU CAN GET PREGNANT ON BIRTH CONTROL!! if that were the case would it still be entrapment or an act of God?

Men are forever trying to say that they were trapped but unless your sperm was physically stolen from you and you did not consent to sexual acts that would allow you to be vulnerable to the consequences of said acts, then Hunny you weren't trapped!! You were just STUPID or gullible! 1. for dealing with a crazy chic and 2being stupid enough to believe her lie! Your lucky all you got was a daughter out of it you could've gotten a lifelong need for meds like Valtrex or HIVID or Combivir! That was your choice you don't have to touch a stove to know that it will burn you. If a girl/guy lies, it's still not a trap until you step into it....and in your case you did, but you can't blame her you can only blame yourself because those are the consequences for your irresponsible behavior. I am not saying that people that do that childish shit are right, but that's the way of the world that we live in people are dishonest and it's up to you to deviate between them and if you can't than you should treat everyone like they are until you know better. You wouldn't give just anyone the keys to your house or your social security number why allow them the opportunity to take something more valuable away from you?

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog!

I'm not sure how the topic went this way but anytime you have unprotected sex you trusting that person with ur livelihood. Married or single, when you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant or sexual "conditions"

Sometimes it has nothing to do with making a bad decisions or being a hoe. Real talk is that bad sh*t happens to good people sometimes and all you can do is pray that it ain't u. Thats y u should neva judge because unless ur a virgin or have never had unprotected sex it could be you! I know people who got "conditions" from their husbands or long term boy/girlfriends. I know people married 40 years and find out their hubby has a 15 year old somewhere out there. Or people been married with a kid that ain't theres and they ain't know

P.S. I'm sorry but I'd prefer cold sores above or below anyday over being a young single broke struggling mother. The first situation impacts you once in a blue if any, being in a bad situation as a mother impacts u, ur pockets, and ur child daily! So lets not assume that every1 would opt for the beautiful daughter over certain conditions!

Anonymous said...

i'm more upset that a grown woman thinks that pulling out is an effective method of birth control. if that's how you're living, you must want to get knocked up, or 'conditioned.'

K-Swiss said...

@realer talk - Just as a point of clarification, I never said that the pull out method was an effective method of birth control!!! Hence the reason my statement was followed by a "LOL."

I'm 32 years old and currently childless so I'm clearly aware of the effective methods of birthcontrol. :-) Additionally, although there is currently no 100%fail proof method of birth control, avoiding pregnancy should be the responsbility of both parties.

I love the way this healthy debate has gone full circle. Thanks for the feedback readers!


kristinaisanaka said...

FUNNY! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree. Why all the touchy-ness about busting windows out? I could see if the song talked about busting balls. All these men who are soooo appalled by these videos need to stop whining and make sure they are living right,... BEFORE THEY ARE THE SUBJECT of the next male bashing, automobile damaging, woman scorned empowering song.


(PS - Im bored too)

Anonymous said...

Men come and go faster than friends. There will be hard times is your relationship when you will need the support of your friends. They are an important support group for your family, and quite an asset as a networking relationship.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting my comment for me Kuz. LOL (TG)

But I think post #9 put it best so I have nothing else to add.

Well, other than men do get trapped. My best friend in college did. But you know I wasn't going to let them females get the kid like that. Not I. We know better than that.

K-Swiss said...

I'm pretty sure comment 9 is my retarded little brother. You actually agreed with his comment? Figures!

How did your friend get trapped? Like Chels said, if you have consentual sex (especially unprotected) you didny get trapped! Although I don't think a woman should lie about being on birth control, sabbotage condoms, or use the lesbian turkey baster method on a dude. That's just dumb abd ignorant!