Thursday, June 5, 2008

1/8 Irish

So, anyone who has had a "race relations" debate with the Queen of Debators (that's me) should know how I feel about people of color not accepting what they are! So, I read some posts from some of my Sorority Sisters about Barack and his wife and the love they show in public. The Soror labeled her email, "Black Love." So, someone responded that it shouldn't be called "Black Love" because Senator Obama is not black, he's several different races. Give me a break! This man is clearly at the least put in the category of a Person of color. Additionally, he has a black wife from Chi-town and 2 black kids!

Why is it that Black folks always want to identify with something else? I'm convinced that society has brainwashed some of us to not LOVE our blackness! It brought me back to a friend of mine that said to me on St. Pats day that he's "1/8 Irish." WTH? 1/8? Then my cousin (he'll probably read this post lol). He had his race on myspace listed as "Indian and Black." Okay, if you can't call by name the Native American relative in your family, YOU'RE BLACK! This is one of the things that really gets under my skin. I'm sure that I may have something mixed up in my sauce just like many other black folks that are products of the US/Caribbean/Latin America/South America slave trade. However, I don't try to "reach" and be something else. I embrace my heritage and have no desire to be anything other than what my parents raised me as, a BLACK woman! Then on the flipside, I have bi-racial friends (They have a parent of a different race) that claim black unless asked for more details. So, why is that someone with a great great grandma that is Native American with every other face in their family black will shout from the mountain top that they are "Indian and Black?" It seems like the "blacker" we are the more we try and fight it and vice versa!

People, embrace your heritage. I love love love my brown skin. Love yours 2!

K-Swiss Word of the Day! lol

To My Readers: Please don't resond to this by telling me what you're 1/6 of either! lol


Bev said...

LOL - I don't see why you can't let ppl embrace all of their heritage. Why should you care if someone is 1/4 black or 1/8 korean and when asked they say so??

I have cousins that claim Native American heritage (along with black) and are active in the tribe. Should they not recognize their heritage from our great-grandparents?

I choose not to recognize it since I'm not active in the tribe and haven't been immersed in the culture like some of them.

End of my rant =)

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that we have been taught to hate our race and our skin color. This dates back to slavery (and I know I am preaching to the choir) when the slave owner and the overseer put the darker slaves in the field and the lighter slaves worked in the house. The house slaves got the better food and treatment. Then jump far ahead into the early part of the 20th century when brothers conked (I hope I spelled it right) their hair because it was better than what they had. then in the 1980's with Al B Sure and other lighter brothers and how the woman went crazy for them. Then the ultimate of insults, Michael Jackson and the MANY operations to change his hair, nose, and skin color. WOW!!!!

I could go on and on. We need to wake up as a people and love ourselves. I am a dark brother and I am proud of it. I love my color and would not want to be anything other than the color I am. However, my mother is light and I love her no less. I embrace the many hues we as a people display and thank God for all of my beautiful brothers and sisters no matter how light or dark they are. To coin and old 70'd phrase "Black is Beautiful"

Anonymous said...

Folks are straight crazy LOL! Hey we can all embrace what our particular racial backgrounds are. But how in hell do we determine, with mathematical certainty, how much of a particular race flows through our veins?
Take me for instance. I have french, indian, and african in my blood line. In America that makes me black! In America some centuries ago it was determined that 1 drop of African blood makes you black;which is exactly why us African, Afro, People of Color in America, identify ourselves as black.
Okay? LOL! So black is to say I can be any damn thing, but most certainly part african. And you guys are right... Some of us want to be everything in the book 1st before African.
Obama is just like the rest of us except he aint going around talking about how he's 1/8 indian and sh!t! LOL

Anonymous said...

The truth is: Who cares?! Mos Def said it best "The system breaks man, child, and woman into figures one column who is, and who ain't ...". Being 1/8 anything won't be enough to get any of us across the color line and behind the closed doors that access the real power, wealth and respect of this country.

Don't get me wrong. Having a black, asian, latin or some-combination-thereof person as commander-in-chief would be an outstanding step forward for this country. But it's that progress is bittersweet in light of the fact that we Americans suffer from an all too real, self-inflicted racism that too often prevents many of us from even trying to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our white counter parts.

If the 1/8 logic gives people of color, black people half the incentive to reach for the stars then by all means be 1/8 something other than black. Just make sure you do like Barack does - when you get there (where ever there is) - give the black and semi-black people who believed in and supported you all the credit!

That's my two cents.

Anonymous said...

LOL...sometimes you just can't win. I do know we are all mixed up with a lil of this and a lil of that whether we embrace it or not. For those who want to let ALL of their bloodline be known it's totally up to them. I could care less if they stood up there dark as tar, and as Lil Weezy say; with tough Nigerian hair but told me they had 1/8 Caucasian in I love my brown skin. For those who don't love themselves I feel sorry for them. I love how the creator created me 110% and to me that's what matters most.

Anonymous said...

I hate yo black lips! I hate yo black face! I hate yo knuckles cuz they black! I hate yo gums cuz they black! I hate black! lol just playin' I love my blackness even though I am Indian. lol I just say that because I know people are going to hate. lol I am BLACK and proud of it. I vow to keep dark skinned brothers in style and never left the light skin dudes make a come back. Put it on my shoulders, I will hold it down.

DFitz said...

Your cousin also says he is I ask him the same thing, why is is so important that you mention that you indian. I asked him numerous times to name the tribe he's from or spit a little creole for me, but to no avail, he can't respond. But I did do a rant on "Would we be support Obama if he was light skin", the link is below to check it out, Tell me what think....

I got a few more including "Ashanti Forced to Sing" and "Michael Basiden promoting NOT tithing" at

DFitz said...

Correction on that last post... DFitz - Because He's Light Skin.mp3

K-Swiss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
K-Swiss said...

Now see, this is where I draw the line lmao. My cousin is BLACK! Creole- bah hum bug. Our daddies are brothers and I ain't never heard about us being Indian nor Creole. His mama is black as hell with a COUPLE waves in her hair and now he's Indian and Creole LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

did you really define the word biracial like we're freakin retarded? lmao

Anonymous said...

i think you got some issues.....lmao

Anonymous said...

Let me guess...this last comment is from someone that is "Indian and Black" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

Now you know my mama is lighter than me and I am not black as hell. INDIAN FO LIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE!!!!!!