Monday, August 25, 2008

Am I just getting old?

So, the young vibrant Kasondra has finally turned 32 like the rest of her fellow 1976 friends. (August seems SOOO far away when your closest friends have 1st quarter bdays) As I rolled out of bed this morning I said to my self, "Self, you are getting old!" Reasons?

MUSIC: Well, I turned on MTV Jams and quickly realized I don't like todays music and turned that crap off. I'm starting to sound like my parents did 20 years ago when they said R&B just wasn't the same anymore. I feel the same about Hip Hop, it just isn't the same! Waking up to "she got a Donk" by Soulja Boy is not fun to me. I'm thinking 10 years ago I would have gotten out of the bed smiling and dancing. Now it just sounds like loud noise in my ear. I so miss the 90s music! Hmm, or is it just that the music of today is indeed TRASH! :-)

DANCE: Am I the only one that can't keep up? The G5, Superman that hoe dance, the dance in she got a donk, the rain dance, pon the river, give em' a run, dutty wine etc. etc. I so can't keep up. I just keep it with the 2 step and maybe add a little twist like 50. I'm 2 old and don't have the energy or desire to learn all those darn dances. The Superman that hoe dance has like 15 steps. I mean really...What happened to the cabbage patch, the whop, the Roger Rabbit, and simple stuff like the A-town stomp! I just can't hang.

CLOTHES: Okay, I used to be known for rocking my flat abs and wearing tops to show off my cleavage. I gave it up when I turned 30 due to the fact that I just feel that at 30 I don't need to be on the meat rack like that! Yes, I may still "have it" but I don't need to show it like that. So, the other day I was looking at Mariah Carey's "I'll be loving you long time" video. I was disgusted by the LACK of clothing she had on. Go cover up, you're like 40 in a bikini and half top with tight daisy dukes. Am I just getting old or is she just to darn old to wear 21 year old clothing...nice body or not!

SOCIAL SCENE: Okay, so I'm so not interested in partying days in a row anymore. I used to be a trooper. I could go out 6 days in a row if there were places to go! Now, I have the energy to do it but who the heck wants to? I mean, I've been to a bizzillion clubs and lounges from DC to Brazil. I'm so not interested in being up in "the place to be" like that anymore. My homeboy will be 38 soon and he still road trips to parties. Umm, hello? Am I just getting old before my time or is that strange? I haven't seen a party in years that warranted me buying a flight to attend! I mean really, is it that serious?

LOOKS: LMAO at the comment I'm about to make in pure Kasondra style. I'm still as ravishing as I was at 21 so in the looks department, I ain't getting old! :-)

So, POST some of your "getting old" moments or am I the only one out there....Don't let me feel alone. Post People :-)

Also, if you laughed or had to ask "What is that dance" to my post. You just had an OLD moment!