Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finding New Tenants...The STRESS in my life right now

So, what the heck possessed me to become a landlord. So, in my mid-20s I had this bright idea to purchase 2 expensive behind properties in the DC area. Now, lets fastforward, now I have these properties and I rent them out. I've been living in lala land because I had the same tentants in both places for YEARS! Well, now they've both decided to leave. So, I posted an ad on craigslist.

Let me tell you..WHY do people feel the need to scam and/or give their sob story to me on a daily basis now via email.

#1 - I don't care that you're getting divorce! If you're credit is jacked and you don't have verifiable income!

#2 - Why did some lady claim that she lives in UK and will send me a year worth of rent if I send her my address and keys first? Huh? Was I born this morning?

#3 - Why would a family with 4 kids and 2 adults try to rent my 2 bedroom townhouse with office. It's an office, not a 3rd bedroom. Them darn kids were running all over my place jumping and screaming. Hell Nah. They'd leave my place so damaged. Application DENIED!

Let's say a prayer for the market because I need it to snap back so I can get rid of these suckas!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

1/8 Irish

So, anyone who has had a "race relations" debate with the Queen of Debators (that's me) should know how I feel about people of color not accepting what they are! So, I read some posts from some of my Sorority Sisters about Barack and his wife and the love they show in public. The Soror labeled her email, "Black Love." So, someone responded that it shouldn't be called "Black Love" because Senator Obama is not black, he's several different races. Give me a break! This man is clearly at the least put in the category of a Person of color. Additionally, he has a black wife from Chi-town and 2 black kids!

Why is it that Black folks always want to identify with something else? I'm convinced that society has brainwashed some of us to not LOVE our blackness! It brought me back to a friend of mine that said to me on St. Pats day that he's "1/8 Irish." WTH? 1/8? Then my cousin (he'll probably read this post lol). He had his race on myspace listed as "Indian and Black." Okay, if you can't call by name the Native American relative in your family, YOU'RE BLACK! This is one of the things that really gets under my skin. I'm sure that I may have something mixed up in my sauce just like many other black folks that are products of the US/Caribbean/Latin America/South America slave trade. However, I don't try to "reach" and be something else. I embrace my heritage and have no desire to be anything other than what my parents raised me as, a BLACK woman! Then on the flipside, I have bi-racial friends (They have a parent of a different race) that claim black unless asked for more details. So, why is that someone with a great great grandma that is Native American with every other face in their family black will shout from the mountain top that they are "Indian and Black?" It seems like the "blacker" we are the more we try and fight it and vice versa!

People, embrace your heritage. I love love love my brown skin. Love yours 2!

K-Swiss Word of the Day! lol

To My Readers: Please don't resond to this by telling me what you're 1/6 of either! lol